creator cover Pheonix KageDesu

Pheonix KageDesu

is creating Plugins for RPG Maker MV and MZ
Pheonix KageDesu
42 of 100 paid subscribers

About the creator

    Hey everyone, welcome to my page. My name is KageDesu (real name is "Vladimir"). I love to spend my free time to expand functionality of RPG Maker MV (MZ) creating plugins for it. I'am the author of the Alpha ABS battle system and Alpha NET multiplayer plugins. 
   Всем привет, меня зовут Владимир. Вот уже более 5 лет я пишу плагины для игровых конструкторов серии RPG Maker. Я являюсь авторов таких известных плагинов как Alpha ABS (активная боевая система) и Alpha NET (многопользовательских сетевой плагин). 
You can view all my plugins and download free versions from my site:
This site is my Patreon site mirror. Here you can support me and of course get PRO versions of all my plugins. Also you can buy commercial licenses of my plugins (see Tag: full (one-time payment))
If you have a qustions, welcome to my Discord server https://kdworkshop.net/discord-server/  (also you can find me and DM to me directly)
Simple Fishing 1.2 (MV + MZ) [PRO]
  Бесплатную версию можно скачать тут:
Download free version from here:
Level required:
Паладин \ Paladin
Simple Quests System 1.7 (MV + MZ) [PRO]
  Бесплатную версию можно скачать тут:
Download free version from here: https://kdworkshop.net/plugins/simple-quests-system/  
Level required:
Рыцарь \ Knight
Message History (MV + MZ) [Full] (one-time payment)
Download the free version and test it with your project before buying!
Post is available after purchase
Message History. Release. 1.0 [PRO] (MZ + MV)
The free version is available on my website!
Бесплатная версия доступна на моём сайте!
Level required:
Паладин \ Paladin
Map Enhancer. Update 1.1
Update with new tool + new assets.
Level required:
Паладин \ Paladin
VPlayer. Update 1.7 (+hotfix)
Update with new commands for animating and manipulating animations.
Level required:
Рыцарь \ Knight
Phone Menu. Update 2.1 [PRO] (MZ, MV)
Update with new Save and Load Apps and improved Messages App. You can find the free version on my website.
Level required:
Паладин \ Paladin
Pocket Events 1.5 (MV + MZ) [PRO]
  Бесплатную версию можно скачать тут:
Download free version from here:
Level required:
Рыцарь \ Knight
Map Enhancer (MV + MZ) [Full] (one-time payment)
Download the free version and test it with your project before buying!
Post is available after purchase

Subscription levels

Рекрут \ Soldier

$ 1,56 per month
Доступ к ПРО версиям плагинов Tier 0:
Access to Tier 0 plugins PRO versions:
-Alpha ABS (MV)
- Alpha ABS Z (MZ)
+ chat

Рыцарь \ Knight

$ 4,2 per month
Доступ к ПРО версиям плагинов Tier 0 и Tier 1
Access to Tier 0 plugins PRO versions
Access to Tier 1 plugins PRO versions
(16+ plugins right now and new in 2023)
+ chat

Паладин \ Paladin

$ 6,8 per month
Доступ к ПРО версиям плагинов Tier 0, Tier 1, Tier 2
Access to Tier 0, Tier 1 and Tier 2 plugins PRO versions
Доступ к эксклюзивным ресурсам \ Exclusive Resources
Советы и помощь от меня (в Discord), если у вас возникнут проблемы с моими плагинами или совместимостью
Tips and help from me (at Discord) if you have any problems with your plugins or compatibility issues
+ chat

Hunter \ Support+

$ 16,7 per month
Access to all my plugins (PRO versions)
You can suggest a new feature for any of my plugin, i will review it and if doable i will implement your feature in next update for plugin (1 request per month)
Special discount for commercial licenses for Alpha ABS, ABS Z and NET Z (1 discount coupon per month)
+ chat

Wizard \ Partner

$ 37 per month
Everything of the Support+ tier
You can post request to make for any of my plugin compatibility patch with another plugin. I will review it and if it is doable i will implement compatibility in the next update. (1 request per month)
Special big discount for commercial licenses for Alpha ABS, ABS Z and NET Z (1 discount coupon per month)
+ chat

Ruler | Sponsor

$ 104 per month
Everything of the Mage | Partner tier
You will be added to Alpha ABS Z and Alpha NET Z plugin description (or another by your choose) like 'Sponsored by [your name]'. And same to YouTube videos about this plugins.
I can write not very complex custom plugin* exclusive for your MV (MZ) game (1 request per month)
Total 100% discount for commercial licenses for Alpha ABS, ABS Z and NET Z (1 discount coupon per month)  
+ chat
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