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Conclusion is a difficult part of a USE essay. If coming up with a meaningful thesis statement that reveals the topic is like choosing a suit for a diplomatic reception, then creating a beautiful and logical ending to an essay can be compared to tying a tie. Without it, a stylish image will not be complete, and without a practiced skill, a flawless knot will not work.
If your goal is to pass the English Unified State Exam with the highest score, then this article is for you. Using our material, you will learn how to apply the "rewriting method" to examples of the conclusions of the best USE essays. Working with this technique, you will acquire the skill to write the 5th part of the USE essay clearly and quickly, as well as other parts of essays on any topic. 
Responsible students are well aware of the importance of being able to write essays well, but do not always have the techniques to speed up the process. The rewriting method is based on the use of motor memory capabilities greatly facilitates the assimilation of information. It is applicable in a variety of fields and helps to embed any knowledge in the brain, from mathematics to literature. 
How to learn how to write a conclusion in an essay in English?
For deep memorization and to facilitate the process of preparing for the English exam, we recommend using motor memory resources. This method is very simple technically and literally means rewriting the paytowritepaper with a pen on a piece of paper several times, to memorize it. Nothing complicated, but following this method allows you to "imprint" the information deep in your memory and easily retrieve it when needed.
Rewriting texts this way accomplishes three things at once:
One, you memorize and assimilate speech structures that are not yet part of your vocabulary. 
Second, you learn to websites that write papers for you without grammatical errors. Having corrected and memorized an error in a word, you will not repeat it. 
Thirdly, you fill your baggage of knowledge with conclusions, speech constructions and ideas, using which you can easily write a conclusion on any topic proposed for writing an essay. Complying with all the requirements for essays on the USE, TOEFL or IELTS.
Good luck on your exams!

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