creator cover Ivan_Novozhilov


3d graphics, programming, Unreal Engine
76 of 100 paid subscribers
I want to share my knowledge and experience with others. Find new talented people. Join our forces to do something interesting together.
1 445.03 of $ 1 557 money raised
To a new computer.

About the creator

Hello! My name is Ivan. I come from the ancient city of Uglich, Yaroslavl region. Since childhood, I loved to draw, design paper models, play music. I studied in the specialty "artist painter and teacher of fine arts" at the Yaroslavl Art College from 2001 - 2006. Then I worked until 2011 in my specialty. I was engaged in paintings of private housing, shops, religious buildings, temples. In 2011, my life changed dramatically and I decided to change the type of activity. More and more I became interested in computer graphics, programming and game development. Until about 2015, I learned to write scripts in javascript, program hlsl shaders and create simple 3d scenes on the no longer relevant vrml\x3d framework. And then it became possible to install Unreal Engine 4 and start learning the wisdom of game development in conjunction with this tool. In the period from 2015 to this day, I record and publish training videos on my YouTube channel. The main theme of which is the programming of vehicle physics in the Unreal Engine environment. Actually, thanks to the blueprints tutorial and UE4, my YouTube channel began to gradually grow and gain subscribers.

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$ 1,04 per month
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$ 3,2 per month
All the benefits of the previous level + access to project sources.


$ 7,3 per month
All the benefits of the previous level + access to the discord server + technical support, requests, exclusive materials, detailed in-depth explanation
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