Irina Maleeva (iriskabeat)

About the creator

Welcome to my Boosty page where you can buy my patterns! 
Price of all items is in RUB (my usual price + Boosty taxes: 450 RUB +11%=500 RUB , so when you pay 500 RUB I get (500-10%)=450 RUB ).
It's also impossible to change currency here. When you make a payment, the convertation will be made automatically by the system.
Approximate prices:
200 RUB = about USD 2.30 / EUR 2.10
300 RUB = about USD 3.30 / EUR 3.10
400 RUB = about USD 4.40 / EUR 4.10
500 RUB = about USD 5.60 / EUR 5.10
600 RUB = about USD 6.70 / EUR 6.10
More information about my patterns: 
Feel free to email me: contact_iriskabeat@mail.ru
All patterns are available in English and Russian.

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