creator cover INK-HOKI


2D/concept artist
171.53 of $ 4 466 money raised
Thank you! ♡(。- ω -)
0 of $ 1 563 money raised
Thanks for the support! (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)♡ My laptop wants to die and if it does, I just won't have anything to work on! I will be glad if you help me!
1 169.26 of $ 1 117 money raised
Thank you! ( ̄▽ ̄)✨

About the creator

Hi! I am a 2D/concept artist, INK-HOKI or just Aria Faust.
You can support me by donating or buying one of the three subscriptions. I will be very grateful for any support ♡

Subscription levels

[ANGEL] support

$ 1 452 per month
I put the price I need for my laptop for fun, hehe
/ subscriptions are being developed, do not buy them/

[SERAPHIM] support

$ 1 563 per month
/please do not buy this subscription, it is under development/
I put the price I need for my laptop for fun, hehe
/ subscriptions are being developed, do not buy them/

[ARCHON] support

$ 1 675 per month
I put the price I need for my laptop for fun, hehe
/ subscriptions are being developed, do not buy them/
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