Ingrid Skogstad
Ingrid Skogstad
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All the basic needs for me and my dog!


This is one of my OCs! 
At the dawn of time, there was a red fox so smart and so witty that Atalle, the patron of wisdom, chose him as her apprentice. She taught Nihr how to carve glyphs that can re-write the very fabric of the world. To her great regret, the smartest of all was not the purest of heart. After hearing that Kiln, the god of flame, is going to bless his son with immortality to reign forever over northern taiga, Nihr weaved a sleeping curse over the tiger prince, and stole his skin to claim the blessing for himself. He ruled for years, never ever breaking his disguise, up until a beautiful silver vixen became one of his rangers. To seduce her, he shook off the tiger skin where he thought nobody could see him, but a tiny goldcrest bird hid in the branches of a fir tree. She told Atalle about Nihr's deceit, and for that the goddess blessed the little bird with her wing, leaving a golden crown-like mark on her head.
Atalle swooped down from the sky and ripped the tiger's skin from the screeching fox with her silver claws, but before her final blow, Nihr fled into the depths of the forest. Kiln broke the curse on his son, but could not grant immortality twice, so that's why tiger princes are mortal like other animals. Nihr is still hiding from the blind goddess, occasionally teaching the art of magic letters to other beasts and desecrating her altars.
Since Nihr had stolen his godhood from a fire deity's heir, his immortality is also fireborne. His cuts and bruises sizzle and throw hot sparks, and when seriously damaged, he bursts into fire and smoke, disintegrating and then assembling into a fox again.
He often wears a clawed ring to carve glyphs into stones, so his spells will last longer.

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