Infernal Liya
Infernal Liya
6 subscribers
94.12 of $ 156 money raised
To buy food for me and my cat ;w;


Trying to keep working on my project. I needed an anomaly expert, so I ended up with this concept!
The Magistress is a sorceress from a middle age Europe, who left her timeline when an angry crowd with torches and pitchforks was chasing her for - no, not for sorcery, as it might be expected, but her a little bit too progressive opinion on women's rights for her era. Don't make her ominous look deceive you, she has a very cheerful disposition, especially when she'll get drunk.
Her knowledge in magic and alchemy is hard to overestimate, the Magistress can provide any sort of anomaly expertise. That given, of course, if you'll manage to find her sober.

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