More code cleanup...

For the next release, we think we'll have to clean up most of our code, which, even though it worked, wasn't the most optimal. One must take into account that when we started working on this game more than 4 years ago, we didn't have the slightest idea of how to program in Python.
But, we have to go about slowly and carefully, so we don’t "break" the code and make the game unusable. The most recent experience was with the 0.20 release, and we had to release the 0.201 version as an emergency to solve this issue.
At this point, we will have changed almost all the old code for newer versions that Ren'Py 8 accepts and makes the game more optimal, which might not make a big difference on a new computer, but for old computers or mobile phones, it does make a big difference.
Unfortunately, there is some code that we definitely won't be able to update, such as Ginger's sprite, which, updating it at this point in the story would almost involve rewriting all of her participations, so we'll leave it as is for the moment.