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EFI Method Hack Apex Glow, Aimbot, Undetected, Free ESP
GameVersion Support = Latest Only Origin Version

Note: Aimbot doesn't work well for people playing the game below 60fps.Hello everyone, Apex new season has started and it's hard, I am really enjoying the season it's really amazing, If you are struggling in the game and looking for apex legends hacks free? then you have come to the right place.

Today I am presenting you a hack that's the only undetected free hack on the internet atm for the apex, The hack is a little hard to use, But if you managed to run it then you will have a lot of fun with it.

It's highly recommended guys I can bet that you will be amazed after using it. But there are always risks in using free cheats because many people are already using it so chances of getting banned are more, but many people said they are using this hack from the old season and they still managed to stay undetected. So the rest is on you.
Status: Undetected
Version: 1.2.6 - Latest Season
Developer: TheCruZ
Disclaimer:Before you start reading the thread, this cheat is posted for educational purposes.
Instructions Apex Legends Hacks Free:
Disable secure boot from BIOS.
Your windows must be installed in UEFI.
If you don't have UEFI Windows installation install windows again with the UEFI method
Remember when you boot windows from the USB stick you need to boot in UEFI-Mode.
Make sure your Windows is X64 Bit.
Requirements in Screenshot Below
Simplified Instructions: (Thanks to SirCoDre)
Go to BIOS then Disable Secure boot ( google how to do this bruh )
Disable Legacy Boot Mode and Enable UEFI
Reinstall Windows 10 Pro X64 in UEFI (if you don't have)
Update windows to the latest.
Install all Visual C++ Libraries (google all in one Visual c++ libraries and download)
Reboot Pc and enter your USB Stick.
Enter the boot menu and choose your USB-STICK ( UEFI )
Now type "FS0:" and then ls ( If you see somewhere "Memory.efi" ) all good.
If you dont see Memory.efi try "FS1:" then "ls" or "FS2:" then "ls" or "FS3:" then "ls" or "FS4:" then "ls".
If you found the Memory.efi now type "Load Memory.efi".
Wait for 5/10 seconds and then type "Exit".
Now boot in your Windows 10
Now open "Notepad.exe" (Run as Admin)
Now drag and drop the CRZAimbot.dll in INJ.exe
Now type in that cmd "notepad.exe" and press ENTER.
If you hear multiple beeps everything it's ok, but if you hear a single long beep it's not ok.
Now you need to make your settings in the cheat, follow down bellow for the most common and good settings.
Load memory efi: https://streamable.com/sdp5pg
-If no blue screen try: https://streamable.com/56ibdm (Tip: Some other people report that the disk partitions need to be configured as GPT)
Launch CRZAimbot: https://streamable.com/b9ud7uStill don't Understand? More Video Instructions:
New Method to use cheat:
I found a very easy way to load this to avoid having stuck in BIOS
For Anyone Who is having Trouble Loading this in BIOS such as Black Screen Problem or BIOS Getting Stuck after Loading the Memory.efi.
You Need (1) Flash Drive
Install AIOBootExtractor
Open AIOBootExtractor and Choose "AutoInstall Bootloaders" then Click OK
Put the memory.efi ONLY in the flash drive, DONT INCLUDE the EFI Folder.
Now restart your PC and Boot into USB
A bootloader will show up, then Select rEFInd
Now find the option that says "Boot Memory.Efi from bla bla bla" select that and enter
The screen will flicker for a second
Then now choose Load from Windows Boot Manager so it will now boot to your OS
That's it!
if your game is crashing:
Fix 1:
This worked for me if your running NVIDIA. I go to the bottom Taskbar where my internet and wifi icons are at and just exit NVIDIA it will turn on if you run the game but if you make sure that shit is closed it won't crash anymore.
Fix 2:
Still not fixed press Alt+tab to change window (make sure you gave the jumpmaster to someone else), then when he jumped hop in again.
Fix 3:
Simple set the game to borderless while in-plane, when you are successfully landed make the game fullscreen again, and you are good to go :)

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