creator cover Higurashika


Creating adult games

About the creator

Привет! Меня зовут Ирена и я делаю игры для взрослых на движке Renpy. Поскольку я
мало чего умею, игры получаются специфическими и подходят не для всех.
Тем не менее, моя цель - развиваться в этом направлении и зарабатывать
творчеством, создавая уникальные проекты.
Hi! My name is Irena and I make games for adults on the Ren'py engine. Since I don't know much, games turn out to be specific and are not suitable for everyone. Nevertheless, my goal is to develop in this direction and earn money by creating unique projects.
fix upd 0.2
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Update 0.2
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Just quick news

Hello, my noble ones!  Just wanted to tell you that next update will be ready before New Year. Things are going well, and if nothing changes, I'll be done by the end of November. If there are problems with any scenes or new ideas arise, I'll release an update in December.
So don't worry, everything is fine :)
Have a nice day!

upd 0.1 fixes

chapter_one.rpy143 KbDownload
story.rpy318.26 KbDownload
put it into "game" folder
UC3 The College update 0.1
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News tiny update.

Hey, guys. Everything's almost ready, but I need more time. As I updated Renpy, I've been consumed with new potential to make fancy things and sort of forget about the story, trying to improve UI x_x
So I guess it's gonna take a week or two to finish everything for this update. But I'm really proud of some scenes there. So yeah, have a good week and sorry for delaying!

Just keep you posted

Hey, guys and gals. Just want to say that everything goes smoothly and I plan to drop an update before october. There might be some delay though, as I had to update ren'py and text editor. Now I need some time to adjust to new features and UI, as my versions were extremely old. I wanted to use some cool stuff and it couldn't be made with old renpy. Some of these new features you'll see in version 0.1 of the game. Attached screenshot shows what I'm talking about.
RQMYH.png105.91 KbDownload
UC 3 updated demo
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UC3 demo
Level required:

A bit about UC3

Hello, friends. I want to tell you a few things about the game and make a poll. It's official now - Under Control 3: The College. The name speaks for itself. We are no longer just a cog in the system, we are the system. Now everything that happens in the College is the player's choice: we set the rules, punish violators, deal with force majeure. But the player does not start with a clean slate, as they get the College with all its problems inherited from their sister... therefore, a few words about the characters.
We start as Bina's younger daughter. Before us, the place was run by our older sister Teresa who failed. You know about the global challenge you are facing from UC2. But the smaller problems - it's your sister's doing. Now about MC's family. She has two kids.
- Josh, 20 yo boy
- Lana, 18 yo girl
And this is important. First of all, the poll. Do you care to give them names or you don't want to be bothered with naming your family members? And second of all, MC's age depends on the age she lost her virginity + her son's age. Why does it matter? Because the age when she lost her virginity is up to you. So if you ruin the logic with absurd numbers, not my problem :) I just want you to control most aspects of the story to create your own unique experience. That's why there won't be a choice of fetishes in the game like before.
As the headmistress, MC supports any fetishes by default. But it's up to the player to decide what they want to observe and participate in. So don't pick options randomly or you might see something you're not ready for, lol. Only sensitive content related to extreme kinks can be disabled: cannibalism, character deaths, amputations, and so on. The existence of this content won't affect the story, but it will allow you to unlock a secret route when your MC can be as nuts as Leah or Alcina. No bad endings this time, though.
Do you want to name your children yourself or don't you care?
I want
1 vote
I don't care, the default names are fine
6 votes
7 users voted
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I will be the Mistress of everything MyIlluminati  
My head is already going crazy ExplodingHead  FUCK YES HighVoltageoh I will have to punish so many CheckMarkCheckMark
Saidena , ahaha, I'll try to deliver :D
What fetishes are planned? I think skin color will add difficulty in finding suitable videos.
Paluti, everything you've already seen in previous games. But now MC won't always be personally involved in what's going on. Now you observe other people more often, orchestrating their actions. There will be more voyeurism, and MC will be able to act off-screen, affecting the scene.

Subscription levels


$ 2,07 per month
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$ 3,1 per month
Вы хотите, чтобы автор выпускал контент чаще! | You really want to motivate me!


$ 5,2 per month
Ну... у вас много денег и вы действительно хотите поддержать меня! | You're rich and love my work!
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