466 subscribers
150 of 150 paid subscribers
To develop VMS without having to survive
197.16 of $ 347 money raised
Adaptation to world conditions. This is about the amount I need to just pay for the most minimal needs

Plans to april-may

Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)

Subscription levels

Poll pack (~1.5$)

$ 1,04 per month
- Access to Poll pack in the game  
- Votes in discord for future content
+ chat

Angelic magic (~2.5$)

$ 1,74 per month
- All previous
- Access to Angelic magic pack in the game  
+ chat

Monsters and Love (~3.5$)

$ 2,43 per month
- All previous
- Access to Monsters and love pack in the game  
+ chat

Full pack (~5$)

$ 3,5 per month

- All previous
- Access to Full pack in the game  
+ chat

Backstage lover (~10$)

$ 8,1 per month
- All previous
- Access to additional and not included content from the game and comics. Want to know what happening in other side of development?
+ chat

Tester pack (~20$)

$ 12,7 per month
- All previous
- Access to earlier versions of the game, new projects and other stuff
+ chat
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