creator cover HenBor


I'm creating games
150 of 150 paid subscribers
To develop VMS without having to survive
1 of 2
183.25 of $ 322 money raised
Adaptation to world conditions. This is about the amount I need to just pay for the most minimal needs

About the creator

Creating vore game
I set prices in rubbles, so it can change a little by current rubble/usd exchange rate
My pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/26291522
To get access in the game you have 2 options
1) Connect your disscord to boosty and then login in the game by discord
2) Join to discord server yourself and type /requestform in any chat. Fill the form and i'll give you role manually. Or i can give you key if you dont want to use discord for login
If you dont want to join discord - write me pm here. But keep in mind that I don't check boosty's pms that often as discord. Also you can write me in telegram. If you have full pack and above invite was sended to you

Price changes

Prices was changed to current RUB/USD course.
For those who have already subscribed, nothing has changed, your subscription levels have been made private and will be available to you while you continue to subscribe, however, if you unsubscribe, you will only be able to subscribe at new prices. (you can pause your subscription for a month if you don't want to stop subscribing for a short time and still keep the old price)
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I really love your comics, I don’t know how to use the website to see the comics
Could you help me, please
Near updates
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)
v3.21 is out!
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)
3.1 os out
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)
New mechanic (indev)
Level required:
Backstage lover (~10$)
3.03 os out
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)
V 3.01 is out!
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)
New mechanic
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)
V 3.0 is out
Level required:
Poll pack (~1.5$)

Subscription levels

Poll pack (~1.5$)

$ 1,56 per month
- Access to Poll pack in the game and comics
- Votes in discord for future content
+ chat

Angelic magic (~2.5$)

$ 2,69 per month
- All previous
- Access to Angelic magic pack in the game
+ chat

Monsters and Love (~3.5$)

$ 3,8 per month
- All previous
- Access to Monsters and love pack in the game  
+ chat

Full pack (~5$)

$ 5,4 per month
- All previous
- Access to Full pack in the game
- Access to Shorts comics
+ chat

Backstage lover (~10$)

$ 10,8 per month
- All previous
- Access to additional and not included content from the game and comics. Want to know what happening in other side of development?
- More info about future content
+ chat

Tester pack (~20$)

$ 21,5 per month
- All previous
- Access to earlier versions of the game, comics, new projects and other stuff
+ chat
Go up