216 subscribers
41 of 100 paid subscribers
First step.
10 744.98 of $ 10 380 money raised
I can buy a huge cookie and a huge tea mug.


Level required:
Support ~$1,5

Subscription levels

Support ~$1,5

$ 1,56 per month
All closed content on the Discord server:
-early access to artwork.
-4k files.
-animation wips (rare, but there are some)
+ chat

Support Base ~$2,7

$ 2,6 per month
If you'd like to support me with a larger sum.
All closed content on the discord server.
+ chat

Support Silver ~ $4,4

$ 4,2 per month
If you'd like to support me with a larger sum.
All closed content on the discord server.
+ chat
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