Публикация контента
Пытаюсь получить разрешение на публикацию контента, по закрытому серверу, для наглядной демонстрации патчей, если будет дано разрешение, то вы раньше всех увидите нового офицера, технологии и многое другое, а сейчас представляю описание в оригинале
New Tech Tree: Dominion Corps
Dominion Corps tech will be available on servers launched for at least 60 days for Commanders who have researched any Military Tech on the final section.
Dominion Corps tech is divided into multiple stages, with each stage unlocking based on the collective research progress of all Commanders across all servers. A new stage unlocks once a specific number of Commanders complete the research of a specific tech in the previous stage.
Different phases of Dominion Corps tech research require Dominion Corps Badges of varying tiers. You can earn the badges at the new building: Warfare Center.
As new Dominion Corps tech phases unlock, you can upgrade your Warfare Center for a bonus when producing Dominion Corps Badges of a lower tier than your building level.
You can also use Executive Drill Orders to quickly obtain Dominion Corps Badges at the Warfare Center. After completing the research of any final tech in a Modern War tech tree, you will be able to exchange City Contribution Badges for Limited Executive Drill Orders.
Broadcast Messages
Worried your message might get lost? The new broadcast feature has you covered! This feature is available in two chat channels: World Chat and Conquest Chat.
Use World Broadcast to send a message in World Chat, visible to all online Commanders on your server.