creator cover GoofyPrincess


Muse for sophisticated spectators.
955.2 of $ 1 212 money raised
Cuz you adore me
0 of $ 4 240 money raised
For vacation
0 of $ 606 money raised
To make me feel comfy
14.53 of $ 12 113 money raised
0 of $ 4 038 money raised
For Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
1 258.02 of $ 1 212 money raised
Cuz you adore me

About the creator

For your sweet dreams...
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Here's something yummy for you! Take it faster ;)
Post is available after purchase
You can start to be my Santa 🖤
Post is available after purchase
New heels for your muse!
For my special ones who will gift new elegant shoes, I will gift outstanding pics in those and only lingerie on my pale body + strip video!
Post is available after purchase
You might miss them ;)
Level required:
Wanna see more
To gift me this dress
Post is available after purchase
For my perfect lips
Post is available after purchase
Level required:
Wanna see more

Subscription levels

Wanna see more

$ 110 per month
Yes you understood right ;)

Communication with Princess

$ 364 per month
Want me to wake up with your "good morning" message or ask how I am during the day, have exclusive possibility to chat with me when I'm not online? Then this made right for you 💋
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