обложка автора Geo Saiko

Geo Saiko

Illustrator, traveler and just a forest creature!
Geo Saiko
5 239.95 из $ 5 217 собрано
Thank you for helping me survive and live on the road!

Об авторе

Good to all who have looked into my forest abode! My name is Geo, I'm a dhole. I like to run around the swamps, meet new people and draw. I lead people through the forest, hold plein-air meetings, invite them to visit, and at the same time I myself am always on the road. Hope you feel comfortable here. In my dark forest, it's not scary if you open your heart to it!
Important Information!
Нужен уровень:
following in the footsteps with dhole 🌿
Base Roe🌿
Пост доступен только после покупки
Base Hare🌿
Пост доступен только после покупки
Base Sable 🌿
Пост доступен только после покупки
Base bear 🌿
Пост доступен только после покупки
Heron (Egretta rufescens) design🌿
Нужен уровень:
part of something bigger 🌿
Sketches for a new illustration🌿
Нужен уровень:
part of something bigger 🌿
line and color of characters for illustrations🌿
Нужен уровень:
part of something bigger 🌿
Sketches for a new illustration🌿
Нужен уровень:
part of something bigger 🌿
Full work for White Light🌿
Нужен уровень:
part of something bigger 🌿

Уровни подписки

my little helper 🌿

$ 1,16 в месяц
Just if you want to support dhole!

part of something bigger 🌿

$ 2,32 в месяц
• daily sketches and  WIPs orders, personal projects, handicrafts
•early access to publications
•5% discount on orders
•early set of orders, exclusive types of work
• a small lottery once a month (b&w portrait or "ghost" in the photo)
• travel photos that I don't post anywhere
(in developing)
• "step by step", drawing stones, plants, background
• speedpaints of fast works drawn from nature

following in the footsteps with dhole 🌿

$ 5,8 в месяц
Monthly base (at the moment there is a choice of roe deer, bear, hare, sable) 
• daily sketches and WIPs orders, personal projects, handicrafts
•early access to publications
•5% discount on orders
•early set of orders, exclusive types of work
• a small lottery once a month (b&w portrait or "ghost" in the photo)
• travel photos that I don't post anywhere
• "step by step", drawing stones, plants, background
• speedpaints of fast works drawn from nature