87 подписчиков
24 из 50 платных подписчиков
Когда мы наберем 50 подписчиков, мы будем больше внимания уделять разработке русскоязычной версии игры.
0 из $ 228 собрано
If you just want to donate a one-time amount without being a subscriber.
Нужен уровень:

Уровни подписки


$ 1,7 в месяц
My hug for your support.
By choosing this level of support you can have a finished version of the game before the public release. Read posts only for patrons and be able to communicate in discord in the special section only for patrons.
- Access to "patrons only" posts.
- The opportunity to get a test version 5 days before the public release.
- Our gratitude!
+ чат

Big subscriber

$ 4,4 в месяц
Get the game before everyone else and participate in the voting and discussion to change the game to your liking with your vote. Spoiler posts showing aspects of future versions.
-Getting new information before everyone else.
-Participate in polls.
-Opportunity to view posts with spoilers.
-Getting the test version 14 days before the public release.
 ✚  Everything aforementioned.
+ чат

Serious subscriber

$ 8,7 в месяц
The hottest and spoileriest spoilers are only here.
Immortalize your name in the credits of the game.
Only you can choose interesting clothes in which your favorite girl will appear in the next update.
- Participate in polls on the most important aspects of the game. You help us make the game better.
- Priority will be given to your vote.
- Posts with significant spoilers
- Suggest a future background. The best ones will definitely be added.
- Vote for new costumes
✚ All previous features
+ чат


$ 11,1 в месяц
A firm handshake and my utmost gratitude.
A separate discord VIP area that I'll be checking more often than others with top-secret spoilers exclusively for you.
Only you get new mechanics of the game or even individual scenes to pass in test mode.
- Your vote counts for 5
- Golden nickname in the game
- Alpha versions of scenes
- Maximum spoiler posts that can be made
- Special VIP zone with new mechanics
- Utmost gratitude that can ever exist! 
✚  Everything aforementioned  
+ чат

Heaven's blessing

$ 22,2 в месяц
For those who want to support us more than the standard tiers.
-Opportunity to get huge spoilers
✚ Everything aforementioned
+ чат

Rich Sponsor

$ 114 в месяц
Ask your bank if you can spend that much.
If you really have the ability to help us with these amounts, then you are doing well with money.
- In the game, there will be a statue with your name on it if anyone ever decides to make such a crazy way to spend money.