4 subscribers

Bootsy start!

Hi! I made this alongside my patreon to give more people the opportunity to support the project, if theres somenthing that you miss seeing here dont doubt contacting me, have fun!

Subscription levels


$ 6,2 per month
Access to all the initial sketches (very rough)
Video of the pre alfa of the game
Your name in the credits


$ 13 per month
Thank you!
Complex Sketches
Video of the beta of the game
Exclusive art Sketches
Poll Vote
Discarted content
Sketches for future updates
All of previous content
Your name in the credits


$ 24,6 per month
Huge thank you!
Access to all the images used in the game in HD
Fully detailed, exclusive art
Your name and Icon/face/OC drawn in the credits of the game
Download all the songs used in the game
All previous advantages
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