creator cover Flodrow


Drawing monsters, robots, demons and etc!!!
4 of 100 paid subscribers
When here will be about 100 subscribers with at list first level of subscription, I could save money for new stuff, for food and etc ^^
299.28 of $ 1 241 money raised
tips :3c

About the creator

Hello everyone, I'm Flodrow!
I'm a digital artist, who draws monsters/robots/demons, etc... Usually males with big muscles, since I'm bara artist! 
If you like my art, you always can consider to commission me, all info displayed on my Twitter account.
Special suit
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Base lvl

Merest sketch

I didn't draw this man for a long time, did a sketch of him yesterday C:
Stay hydrated
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Base lvl


Drew this guy recently..... I think his name is Yorick
Reminds me somewhat of the Luminoth from Metroid 2. o.o Nice design!
Romantic evening
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Base lvl
Level required:
Base lvl

A dragonborn

drew this man as an extra character for D&D campaign where I play C:
Good dergonborn. :3
Mountain king
Level required:
Base lvl
Macro wolf
Level required:
Base lvl


I didn't draw my big boi for long time -w- 
I need him to lay on me

Subscription levels

Base lvl

$ 2,49 per month
Thank you for your support! For that level you able to see content, that I don't post anywhere else! 
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