3 подписчика
546.18 из $ 11 058 собрано
Payment for YCHs/comms
20.31 из $ 11 058 собрано
For my future : I want to flee my country

Commission from sub of my discord server

Нужен уровень:
White sheep

Уровни подписки

White sheep

$ 2,22 в месяц
~$2 per month
- Thank you for support!
- Access to sketch and WIP posts

Black sheep

$ 5,6 в месяц
~$5 per month
- A big thank you for support!
- all previous gifts! 
- Access to step-by-step of some arts
- One-time reward: oc icon 
- Access to comic pages!
  - Permanent 5% discount on commissions~  

Rainbow sheep

$ 11,1 в месяц
~$10 per month
- A big thank you for support and hug!
- all previous gifts!
- Permanent 10% discount on commissions~
- When i start draw animations again, in every end of it will be icon  with your oc and thanks 