creator cover Niru


I draw and breathe
0 of $ 517 money raised
For help and support <3

About the creator

Hi, I'm Niru - an artist who draws pictures.
My Deviant Art https://www.deviantart.com/mononine

Baby Esther

the sweetest character of my bro, where we play our bro's game together


Characters from the MINK, which I've been playing for about six months.
This style is taken from the artist KUS. I don't pretend to this style, I just wanted to get acquainted with it and try to civilize it. These portraits are drawn only for friends in the game.
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Characters from the MINK, which I've been playing for about six months.
This style is taken from the artist KUS. I don't pretend to this style, I just wanted to get acquainted with it and try to civilize it. These portraits are drawn only for friends in the game.
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Subscription levels


$ 0,52 per month
+ранний доступ к работам;
+различные спойлеры


$ 1,55 per month
+ранний доступ к работам;
+различные спойлеры;
+обнажённые зарисовки персонажей;
+больше шип скетчей и артов(без эротики)


$ 2,59 per month
+ранний доступ к скетчам, спойлерам, скринам работы;
+шипп арты и зарисовки + обнажённые зарисовки/арты;
+спидпеинты работ;
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