Veronica Cosmic
Veronica Cosmic
3 subscribers
This is not a dream, my friend
And it will never end
This one is the nightmare that goes on

There is a dimension where Dr Gratton and Mr Umbris are a thing, I called it The Strange Case AU. It's like Cornelius is Jekyll, Deimos is Hyde
Some headcanons:
- Dr Gratton invented a formula (a potion) in hopes to separate himself from his “negative feelings”, for the sake of “becoming a decent flawless person” + to help people once he improves it via testing on himself
- Mr Umbris is a side of his personality that he struggled to suppress for his whole life, which became (partly) free after drinking the potion a few times
- Umbris’ first name is Dorian
- he is younger than Cornelius; both physically and mentally 
- his eyes are green and his hair is darker
- Dr Gratton is aware of his existence (black outs), but it is pretty much alike a case of DID, so he doesn’t have memories of what Umbris was doing while being in control
they are capable of interacting with each other in dreams and in hallucinations (due to the lack of sleep)

Subscription levels

Жаворонок / Early Bird

$ 1,04 per month
Early access to comic pages, some drabbles + english translations/versions of some songs I do as a practice every now and then.
Собственно, да. Если вы пришли сюда, чтобы почитать продолжение историй быстрее, чем я выложу его на сайтах вроде фикбука или вк — милости прошу и спасибо.
Также даёт возможность заценить экспериментальные видосы
кои я иногда делаю для тиктока. Поскольку boosty привязан к ВК и не банит за музыку, то никаких проблем возникнуть не должно.

Любопытный Кот / Curious Cat

$ 2,07 per month
- Prior Benefits
- Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes
- 8% Discount on Commissions
- Unused concepts / drawings
- May post advices about working with apps like SAI, Photoshop, etc (apps that work in webrowsers only included)
- Translated to english (and vice versa) stuff included
Здесь публикую новеллы по мере написания и арты по мере рисования, могу поделиться идеями и скромными советами касательно работы в программах по графическому рисованию, порекомендовать полезности.

The Coolest Cat In Town

$ 3,2 per month
- Prior Benefits
- Super Supportive Achievement
- I'll draw your OC and add it as a background character to Choices! if you wish

Wow Are You A Billionaire

$ 4,2 per month
Thank you, but are you sure? Maybe you should think again? Like giving money to your relatives, friends, or- I don't know, to future self? No? Are you sure? Well, do as you please. Will this life certainly repay you with something very positive and delightful in the near future. It is a fact.
- Prior Benefits
- Let's talk about philosophy
- Do you want to play a game?
- I am just kidding of course, this tier here is just for another collection ...isn't it?
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