Early access to comic pages, some drabbles + english translations/versions of some songs I do as a practice every now and then. ______________
Собственно, да. Если вы пришли сюда, чтобы почитать продолжение историй быстрее, чем я выложу его на сайтах вроде фикбука или вк — милости прошу и спасибо.
Также даёт возможность заценить экспериментальные видосы кои я иногда делаю для тиктока. Поскольку boosty привязан к ВК и не банит за музыку, то никаких проблем возникнуть не должно.
Любопытный Кот / Curious Cat
$ 2,07 per month
- Prior Benefits
- Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes
- 8% Discount on Commissions
- Unused concepts / drawings - May post advices about working with apps like SAI, Photoshop, etc (apps that work in webrowsers only included)
- Translated to english (and vice versa) stuff included
Здесь публикую новеллы по мере написания и арты по мере рисования, могу поделиться идеями и скромными советами касательно работы в программах по графическому рисованию, порекомендовать полезности.
The Coolest Cat In Town
$ 3,2 per month
- Prior Benefits
- Super Supportive Achievement
- I'll draw your OC and add it as a background character to Choices! if you wish
Wow Are You A Billionaire
$ 4,2 per month
Thank you, but are you sure? Maybe you should think again? Like giving money to your relatives, friends, or- I don't know, to future self? No? Are you sure? Well, do as you please. Will this life certainly repay you with something very positive and delightful in the near future. It is a fact.
- Prior Benefits
- Let's talk about philosophy
- Do you want to play a game?
- I am just kidding of course, this tier here is just for another collection ...isn't it?