creator cover Ernesto


Make a porn game
8 of 100 paid subscribers
If he gets 100 paid subscribers, he will be able to devote more time to the game.
0 of $ 122 money raised
Just for one-time donations.

About the creator

Hello. I'm Ernesto. I'm making a porn game called Strange Phone.
Strange phone - A game about a young guy who gets a job at a big company. He is given a service phone on which he finds an unusual application. He can spy on other people. And his life begins to change dramatically.
The game is strongly inspired by 2 projects: A Wife's Phone [Bloody Ink] and The Good Son [Lobsterman9999]
Which branch will get more steps?
Level required:
Cute boy/girl
Should Dakota be replaced?
Level required:
Cute boy/girl

Version 0.2.5

-bug fixs
-Alter MC (no sissy)
-7 events at work
-4 events at gym
-7 steps in MC x David
-4 steps in Dakota x Teacher
-3 sreps in GF x David
-Maybe something else I might have forgotten.
StrangePhone-0.2.5-pc.zip297.61 MbDownload
StrangePhone-0.2.5-mac.zip292.42 MbDownload
strange.phone.ernesto.game-0.2.5-1724498710-release.apk302.66 MbDownload
im the guy having issues getting the link

Now it's for sure

Best boy/girl - 08/24/2024
Submissive boy/girl - 08/26/2024
Cute boy/girl - 08/28/2024
Good boy/girl - 08/30/2024
everyone - 09/01/2024
Not even sure yet how many steps each branch will get. But about 7 steps in MC David - because the choice is from Boosty. The main bias was to add random events to work and gym. Most likely Vanessa and Jacob's branch will get nothing in this update :C  
Poll for next update
First of all, I want to apologize to those who support the game that the update is so delayed.
Level required:
Cute boy/girl
Unfortunately there's not much to do yet to roll out updates. But to share something:
A lot of people have asked to be able to choose the main character. I still decided to add this opportunity + When selecting the right option in the person will be disabled all Sissy content (Because of the unwillingness to play such characters many and asked to give a choice.).
I would still recommend playing for the standard option, but if it makes it easier for someone, then so be it.
Plans for the next update
Level required:
Good boy/girl

Finally, a new version

I've barely had time to finish the last few events. I've tested it and everything should work. (Except that Dakota may work crookedly from old saves).
StrangePhone-0.2-mac.zip257.68 MbDownload
StrangePhone-0.2-pc.zip262.87 MbDownload
strange.phone.ernesto.game-0.2-1718890602-release.apk267.94 MbDownload

Next update

I don't like to give clear communication, but it's time to set clear deadlines.
the update's coming out:
Best boy/girl - 06/20/2024
Submissive boy/girl - 06/22/2024
Cute boy/girl - 06/24/2024
Good boy/girl - 06/26/2024
Everyone - 06/28/2024
Final list of changes:
-Bug fixes and minor changes.
-Adding a new tracked character - Dakota.
--Dakota and girlfriend's branch - 6 steps.
--Dakota and the teacher - 5 steps
-Mc and David - 10 steps (boosty poll)
-GF and David - 5 steps
--Mc and davids photo - 1 step
-GF and Jacob - 5 steps
-Mc and Vanessa - 3 steps(The only branch that wasn't voted on.)
I know that can be disappointing such a small amount of content, but while I can not allocate a lot of time to the game I believe that it is better to post more often small updates than to disappear for months 3. Next update would like to throw different events at work, at different times.
Added Dakota and 2 story branches with her (6 and 7 steps). Also fixed the bugs that players found. Now I'm starting to continue to the exis
Level required:
Cute boy/girl

Subscription levels

Good boy/girl

$ 2,43 per month
Receiving the game 2 days before the general access.
+ chat

Cute boy/girl

$ 6,1 per month
Receiving the game 4 days before the general access.
Access to voting.
+ chat

Submissive boy/girl

$ 9,7 per month
Access to the game 6 days before general access.
Access to voting(x2)
+ chat

Best boy/girl

$ 14,6 per month
Access to the game 8 days before general access.
Access to voting(x4)
+ chat
Go up