Enraged Eggplant
Enraged Eggplant
36 subscribers
12 of 40 paid subscribers
Fourty subscribers per month is something I doubt I will ever achieve, but a man can dream!

Monster Compilation

Here we have a compilation document of all the monsters I've statted up on the blog in Microsoft Word format and an Excel spreadsheet. Will
Level required:
The Absolute Madman

Subscription levels

Official Patron

$ 1,14 per month
At this level, you are supporting me and allowing me to purchase reference material and pay bills. Thank you!

An Even Bigger Patron

$ 2,27 per month
At this level, not only you are supporting me financially, but you can also make requests. I can convert or stat up a creature, spell, or ability - whatever you want.

The Absolute Madman

$ 5,7 per month
At this level, you support me financially, can make requests, and also gain access to exclusive compilation documents and GCS libraries.

An Extremely Generous Sponsor

$ 11,4 per month
Same as before, but for people who really have nothing better to spend money on. In any case, I appreciate your support a lot!
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