creator cover EndeRaptoR


Artist / Photographer
116.47 of $ 572 money raised
For doctor and medicaments. | Для оплаты визитов ко врачу и лекарств.

About the creator

👋 Hello! My name is Maria, I'm hobbyist artist and photographer from Moscow
💊💊💊During hard political times I really need your help. With growing prices I have to go to psychiatrist and buy medicine to cure my mental health. I have really long continuous (about 8 years!) depression and OCD.💊💊💊 Sorry for my pretty rare activity. It's hard to do any things (even which do you like) with mental disorders :(
Use PAYPAL to make payment here available! Donate payments will require to write price in rubles. Just use currency converter :)
Привет, я занимаюсь рисованием и фотографией.
В эти непростые, с точки зрения политики и экономики, времена, я нуждаюсь в помощи, как никогда. У меня депрессия, длящаяся уже 8-ой год, а также имеется ОКР. Поход ко врачу стоит немало, как и некоторые медикаменты, которые моя врач мне выписывает. Поэтому, надеюсь на вашу поддержку в виде донатов и подписок. Рада буду любой сумме, это поможет мне справляться с нынешними финансовыми трудностями ❤️
Buy photo for using on websites, background for desktop, print, etc.
Author: EndeRaptoR.
Resolution: 2010x3830 px.
Size: 4,82 Mb.
Format: JPG.
Post is available after purchase
The Church
Buy photo for using on websites, background for desktop, print, etc.
Author: EndeRaptoR.
Resolution: 2850x3024 px.
Size: 6,42 Mb.
Format: JPG.
Post is available after purchase
Forest Fog
Buy photo for using on websites, background for desktop, print, etc. Author: EndeRaptoR.
Resolution: 3000x2058 px.
Size: 3,82 Mb.
Format: JPG.
Post is available after purchase

Bat Drops

I decided to make bats useful. They now drops bat wings used to craft leather! Available for 1.20.1 Forge and 1.21.1 NeoForge
bat_drops-1.0.0-neoforge-1.21.1.jar47.79 KbDownload
bat_drops-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar36.77 KbDownload

Introducing Minecraft mod!

Do you miss Egyptian vibes in Minecraft? I do, so I created this mod (my first mod)!
This mod adds statues of known Ancient Egyptian gods, such as Anubis, Bastet, Isis, Ra and more!
+ Statues of Egyptian gods and sacred animals
+ Blocks with hieroglyphs and some patterns
+ Sarcophagus (has same inventory as double chest)
+ Ancient Egyptian paintings
+ New music discs with Ancient Egypt themed music
egyptian_statues-1.0.1-forge-1.20.1.jar7.62 MbDownload


Welcome to my boosty page! I will use this to make payment available for my arts.

Subscription levels

Just a monthly help

$ 1,15 per month
Просто ежемесячная поддержка и большое спасибо от меня ❤️
Just a monthly help for me. Big thanks, bro/sis! ❤️
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