creator cover Emotional English

Emotional English

Podcast that fuels your English Skills!
Emotional English
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When I reach 1k of subs - I quit my English Teaching Job and focus on content creation 100% of my working time.

About the creator

Emotional English is the Bondarison's English School podcast that fuels your English learning with emotion, energy, and positivity! 
Perfect for my students and newcomers, this podcast helps you learn English naturally by listening and speaking. 
As a certified English teacher from Russia, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge with everyone who’s ready to grow. 
Join our friendly community today—we’re excited to have you!
My official websites: 
http://emotionalenglish.ru/ - Project Official Website 
https://danilabondarenko.ru/ - Personal Website
https://emotionalenglish.mave.digital/ - Podcast Platform with all links
Hey, peeps! 🌟
Today’s phrase is all about being extremely focused on a thought or plan, sometimes to the point of ignoring other things. Let’s learn together!
Meaning: When you can’t stop thinking about a specific thought, plan, or goal, often because it excites or motivates you deeply.
Examples to inspire you:
1. She was obsessed with the idea of starting her own business and worked on it day and night.
Reflection: This means she thought about her business non-stop, like when you can’t stop thinking about a new hobby you love.
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Hey peeps! 🌟
Today’s phrase is all about tricking yourself into believing something that isn’t true. Let’s learn together!
🔥 TO DECEIVE YOURSELF (verb phrase)
Meaning: To convince yourself of something that isn’t true, often to avoid facing reality or to feel better about a situation.
Examples to inspire you:
 1. She tried to deceive herself into thinking everything was fine, even though she knew deep down it wasn’t.
Reflection: This means she pretended everything was okay to avoid dealing with the truth, like when you tell yourself you’re not nervous before a big test even though you are.
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Hey, Emotional English Squad! 
How have you been?)
Life can be tough, but you can be tougher! 🚀 
In our new episode, How to Gain Resilience in 5 Steps, we show you how to bounce back stronger when things get hard. Learn simple, powerful ways to stay calm, grow through challenges, and never give up. Whether you’re feeling stuck or just want to feel unstoppable, this episode is your ultimate guide to becoming unstoppable! 
🎧 Tap play now and let’s speak resilience—emotionally and powerfully! 💪✨
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Hey peeps! 🌟
Today’s phrase is all about making a method or process easier to use or understand. Let’s learn together!
Meaning: To help make a method, process, or skill easier to apply, learn, or carry out.
Examples to inspire you:
 1. The teacher used simple examples to facilitate the technique, helping students grasp the concept quickly.
Reflection: This means the teacher made the method easier to understand, like when someone breaks down a recipe into simple steps so you can cook without stress.
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Hey Emotional English family! 🌟
We’ve got something special for you in today’s video! Have you ever come across the word "ubiquitous" and wondered what it means? Or maybe you’ve heard it but aren’t quite sure how to use it? Well, you’re in luck!
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Hey peeps! 🌟
Today’s phrase is all about a plan or approach that is unclear or open to multiple interpretations. Let’s learn together!
🔥 AMBIGUOUS STRATEGY (noun phrase)
Meaning: A plan or method that is not clear or can be understood in more than one way, often leading to confusion or uncertainty.
Examples to inspire you:
1. The company’s ambiguous strategy left employees unsure about their next steps.
Reflection: This means the plan was unclear, so people didn’t know what to do, like when someone gives you directions but leaves out important details.
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Hey peeps! 🌟
Today’s word is all about speaking in a clear, persuasive, and beautiful way. Let’s learn together!
🔥 ELOQUENT (adj)
Meaning: When someone speaks or writes in a way that is clear, expressive, and moving.
Examples to inspire you:
 1. She gave an eloquent speech that moved everyone in the audience to tears.
Reflection: This means her words were so powerful and beautiful that they touched people’s hearts, like when someone tells a story that makes you feel inspired.
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Hey peeps! 🌟
Today’s word is all about standing up for yourself in a calm and confident way. Let’s learn together!
Meaning: When you express your thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and confidently, without being rude or aggressive.
Examples to inspire you:

 She was assertive during the meeting and shared her ideas without hesitation.
Reflection: This means she spoke up confidently and made sure her voice was heard, like when you tell a friend what game you want to play.

He’s very assertive when setting boundaries, which helps him avoid unnecessary stress.
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Hey, peeps!  🌟
Today’s word is all about being super likable and inspiring. Let’s learn together!
Meaning: When someone is so full of charm and energy that people naturally like them and want to follow them.
Examples to inspire you:
"The leader was so charismatic that everyone listened to her ideas and felt inspired."
Reflection: This means she had a special energy that made people trust and admire her, like a favorite teacher or superhero!
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Hey there, peeps! 🌟

During our Emotional English Conversation Club events, we’ve uncovered so many awesome words and phrases together. But here’s the deal: practice makes perfect, and we’re here to make it happen! 💪
Let’s turn vocabulary revision into a daily habit—something fun, easy, and super rewarding. Every day, take a moment to revisit a few words or expressions from our meetings. Use them in your conversations, jot them down, or even think about them. Small steps lead to big progress!
🔥 HUMBLE (adj)
Meaning: Not thinking you’re better or more important than others. A humble person is modest, respectful, and doesn’t show off or brag. They’re the kind of people who make the world a better place just by being themselves.
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