14 subscribers
1 021.53 of $ 1 040 money raised
If suddenly you want to support my creativity on a one-time basis. All collected funds will be used to purchase materials and treats for the cat)
134.31 of $ 385 money raised
For the treatment of spinal problems :(

Free Crab Pattern

This is my first (and last) pattern for crocheted toys. Most likely there are a lot of mistakes in it + I translated it into English with the help of a translator.
There is no description of how to make a weapon, and there is only a rough description for the Horde helmet.
But if suddenly you can crochet these cute crabs, I will be only glad!
1.pdf900.27 KbDownload

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$ 2,08 per month
For those who just want to support my creativity!
Для тех, кто хочет просто поддержать мое творчество!
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