creator cover DVfrost


I draw art for you. (AND PONIES)
5 of 20 paid subscribers
A good start
1 370.67 of $ 6 087 money raised
For those who want to help the development even more

About the creator

I am an artist under the pseudonym DVfrost and here I share my work. In addition, new versions of my visual novel and spoilers for it will also be published here.
The Mansion Mouse 0.3.1
Level required:
The Mansion Mouse 0.3
Level required:
Dev. Blog #3
Level required:
Additional spoiler for subscribers of cat level and above
Level required:
Meet - Lagard! [Spoiler + lore]
A new character from the upcoming update
Level required:
Опрос: Сюжетные линии с чужими ОС
Level required:

Как продолжать следить за мной в Discord и нужно ли делать мне канал в других соц сетях?

Привет всем! Как вы знаете, Discrod недавно был заблокирован в Российской Федерации (и Турции). Я продолжу публиковать обновления и спойлеры в ДС и поэтому я хочу разобрать две темы. Первая тема, это способ блокировки, которую я приложу чуть ниже. Вторая тема: где вам будет удобнее всего следить за новостями игры и обсуждать ее?. Свое мнение вы можете написать в комментариях.
А теперь, способ обхода блокировки Discord:
Как обойти блокировку Дискорд
Скачиваем GoodbyeDPI (https://github.com/ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPI/releases)
откройте russia-blacklist.txt ИМЕННО ТХТ и допишите домены:
dis.gd discord.co discord.com discord.design
discord.dev discord.gg
discord.gift discord.gifts
discord.media discord.new
discord.store discord.tools
Show more
The Mansion Mouse 0.2.3
Level required:
Опрос: Где вам удобнее всего смотреть спойлеры к игре?
Level required:
Опрос к новому обновлению
Опрос о сюжетных линиях.
Level required:

Subscription levels


$ 5,1$ 4,7 per month
Thanks for the support! Thanks to you, I can focus on working on the game. I am sincerely grateful to you and therefore you receive the following bonuses.
• You are the first to receive updates.
• Access to spoilers.
• Exclusive content.
• The right to vote in the voting to make the game better.
+ chat


$ 10,2 per month
Wow! Thanks! You are more cool than a mouse and I am even more grateful to you. By choosing this level, you help me even more in my development and for this you get:
• everything is the same as the previous level
• exclusive posts with the development process
• Thanks a lot!
+ chat


$ 20,3 per month
Thanks even more! You are a big and strong griffin. Your support is great and therefore, I listen to you more often than to others. You get:
• everything is the same as the previous level
• exclusive posts with the development process
• Thanks a gigant!
• I listen to you more often
+ chat


$ 102$ 72 per month
This level is for special fans. You are the coolest! Your contribution is so great that I will periodically update the branches that you want. Also, here's what you'll get:
•everything is the same as the previous level
•Mega Thanks!
•Every third update, I continue or add the branch that you want.
+ chat
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