обложка автора Dr Q

Dr Q

FOSS and Fediverse
Dr Q
18 из 1 000 платных подписчиков
A dream of the Fediverse being my full-time day job.

Об авторе

Mandatory half-assed list of stuff that I do:
- run, a Russian Mastodon server;
- moderate the> group;
- popularize the Fediverse and other free and open-source communication tools and facilities;
- running free software propaganda in general;
- making podcasts about the open tech and the history of the Fediverse;
- sometimes I stream games;
- plz give me moneyz
Future projects:
- A secret Fediverse service, you'll know it when you see it.
Нужен уровень:
A basic level

Уровни подписки

A basic level

$ 2,21 в месяц
I had to have some subscription level on here :)