Donna Kristina ❤️Snake
Donna Kristina ❤️Snake
604 подписчика
1 354.42 из $ 56 294 собрано
I want a lot of snakes😅
66.17 из $ 11 259 собрано
For new outfits for filming❤️
0 из $ 11 259 собрано
❤️‍🔥Donations from twitch❤️‍🔥

New video He covered my mouth with his tail so that I would talk less video from the bottom 👇🏻👇🏻🤣👇🏻

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Уровни подписки


$ 9,1 в месяц
Hello everyone, I'm Donna and I'm creating exclusive content for you ☺️☺️☺️here you will see a lot of interesting things like a huge snake wrapping around my body ❤️❤️❤️I'm waiting for your support 💕💕

Channel support

$ 22,6 в месяц

Great Support for the channel

$ 57 в месяц

All videos are free

$ 1 689 в месяц
All videos are free and other new ones too