Road to version 1.5+ (WIP)
Hello everyone, it's been a while.
I wanted to take this time to talk about some things that are currently being worked on in the background, remove the veil so to speak.
1- Improvements to the rig and UI navigation.
๐An important part of animation is for the animator's tools to be adequate for the job. I worked and consulted with various animators in order to find solutions to improve the current platform, a reoccurring critique of the assets were their convoluted UI menus and how it requires an external download for things to be navigated properly.
Not anymore.
The new assets will feature a custom rig menu for you to navigate out of the box, you will no longer need to work with a general addon for the models to be toyed with. The UI can and will be improved further as time goes when new features are developed with it.

Be sure to follow instructions found on the welcome screen of the file*