creator cover Dmitry Tsepelev

Dmitry Tsepelev

Software engineer, OSS activist, tech blogger
Dmitry Tsepelev
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About the creator

Hi! 👋
My name is Dmitry and I'm a backend engineer focusing on Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL and GraphQL. I prefer working on arhitectural, performance and developer experience (i.e., custom linters, CI actions, etc.) tasks. At my free time I'm playing with Go, Rust and Haskell.
I contribute to various open–source projects (Ruby on Railsgraphql-rubyGitLabprism and many more). Also, I maintain my own libraries — check them I contribute to various open–source projects (Ruby on Rails, graphql-ruby, GitLab, prism and many more). Also, I maintain my own libraries — check them here.
Featured articles and conference talks:
📚 GraphQL on Rails tutorial: Part 1Part 2 and Part 3;
You can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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$ 0,13 per month

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$ 6,3 per month

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$ 32 per month
I write articles about Ruby, Rails, GraphQL and databases at https://dmitrytsepelev.dev, your donation will help me do it more regularry :)

Support my open source activities

$ 63 per month
I maintain a number of open–source projects at https://github.com/dmitrytsepelev, your donation will help me to keep that going
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