27 subscribers
0 of 100 paid subscribers
I want to get 100 friends together so I can draw comics about them!
229.78 of $ 1 536 money raised
To create a fan avatar for CYBERPUNK: EDGERUNNERS. Be sure to write which hero you would like to see in VRChat!
2 572.64 of $ 2 560 money raised
On a new mission in the game

How to install our avatars

VRChat recently released a new program to help you install everything you need to create your avatar - Creator Companion
Now things have really gotten easier and we have made instructions for you on how to add the avatar we made for you to your VRChat account.
Instructions for VRC avatars.pdf1.03 MbDownload

Subscription levels


$ 2,05 per month
You will have access to simple paper models as well as nice blender materials.


$ 6,2 per month
Y will have access to large paper models.
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