Dashik Vesnushka
0 из $ 5 659 собрано
Now I'm doing my own hair cosmetics. By buying my content, you help me make my dream come true.

Об авторе

Hey! My name is Dashik, I am the real Rapunzel
I am for natural and natural beauty, so I do not dye or cut my hair.
I believe that long hair carries strength, femininity and incredible beauty.
I love to travel and my dream is to get all the long haired girls together. To chat and exchange experiences and advice.
Here I will post content for you. Videos and photos showing the beauty of naturalness and femininity.
I really love to be photographed and bring beauty into this world.
Now I am fulfilling my dream and creating my own brand of hair cosmetics.
I am very pleased to have such loyal subscribers! Who are following me!
When you buy my content, I understand what I'm doing, it's not in vain! You support me to do more even better for you!
Thank you for being you!
20 Photo
Нужен уровень:
6 Photo
Нужен уровень:
Walk Dashik
Dashik walk along the street. Video 10 minutes
Пост доступен только после покупки
Forest Fairy
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Tender Dashik
Нужен уровень:
Нужен уровень:
Dashik braids a braid
10 minutes
Нужен уровень:
Brush hair
10 minutes
Нужен уровень:
Hey! My name is Dashik, I am the real Rapunzel.
I am for natural and natural beauty, so I do not dye or cut my hair.
I believe that long hair carries strength, femininity and incredible beauty.
I love to travel and my dream is to get all the long haired girls together. To chat and exchange experiences and advice.
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Уровни подписки


$ 22,7 в месяц
For those who are only interested in photos.
You get from 10 to 20 photos


$ 34 в месяц
For those who buy only videos. You get 2 videos


$ 51 в месяц
For those who buy both photos and videos.
You get 10 to 20 photos and 2 video


$ 91 в месяц
You get from 10 to 20 photos and 4 videos


$ 227 в месяц
You get photos and videos on your order


$ 351 в месяц
You get from 10 to 20 photos and 4 videos + you get photos and videos on your order