10 подписчиков
36.74 из $ 1 707 собрано
Your donation will help me to live and improve my art skills to produce more high-quality digital art and make the impossible possible! ✨🎨🌠

Summary of Art 2023 ✨

🎊 Summary of Art 2023! 🎊

First and foremost! I'm eternally grateful for all of your support and love I have received this year! Thank you so much to everyone! 🖤🖤🖤

This year I worked a lot in the studio, and, unfortunately, there was not much time for freer creativity. But these were intense and very interesting days dedicated to amazing projects!

I've had the honor of doing several commissions (some of them not yet published), and I'm happy to have been able to work with wonderful clients and their incredible characters.

Next year I'd like to continue to improve my skills, perhaps doing some finished stylized illustrations. I remain passionate about fantasy and all things related to it, and plan to develop further in that direction.

And maybe there is something special you would like me to illustrate? ✨

Happy New Year, friends! May it be bright and kind, generous with pleasant events and merciful to all of us!

Let's meet it together 😊🐉🌟

Уровни подписки

General Support

$ 1,14 в месяц
✧ Early access to content 🎊
✧ You can offer your ideas for my work
✧ Love ❤ 
✧ Sketсhes and WIPS 
Ранний доступ к контенту. Вы сможете предлагать свои идеи для артов.  Скетчи и випы работ. Моя благодарность! ❤

Full Support

$ 2,28 в месяц
✧ Early access to content 🎊
✧ You can offer your ideas for my work
✧ Love ❤
✧ Sketсhes and WIPS
High resolution art (4k) 
My brushes (Photoshop)
Ранний доступ к контенту. Вы сможете предлагать свои идеи для артов. Скетчи и випы работ. Работы в высоком разрешении (4k). Кисти (Photoshop). Моя благодарность! ❤

You're breathtaking 💓

$ 6,9 в месяц
✧ Early access to content 🎊
✧ You can offer your ideas for my work
✧ Love ❤
✧ Sketches and WIPS
✧ High resolution art (4k)
✧ My brushes (Photoshop)
 10% discount for commissions
 Exclusive sketches
Ранний доступ к контенту. Вы сможете предлагать свои идеи для артов. Скетчи и випы работ. Работы в высоком разрешении (4k). Кисти (Photoshop). 10% скидка на комиссии. Эксклюзивные наброски. Моя благодарность! ❤