обложка автора Dagmell


Digital Illustrator
924.58 из $ 1 138 собрано
Hi, if you want to donate some to me, pls feel free to 🥺
1 403.15 из $ 1 138 собрано
Saving to survive 💚
1 241.36 из $ 1 138 собрано
Saving to survive 💙

Об авторе

  Hi! I'm Dagmell
I'm a freelancer artist who love to draw.
By supporting me here you get to vote on who should i draw next, high-resolution files, wips, sketches, spicy art and much more.
Thank you very much for every support! (ŐωŐ)~❤⃛  
Нужен уровень:
Just a subscription
Dottore and Scaramouche
Пост доступен только после покупки
WEll, i'm not sure what to do, but i will do it anyway. So yea, first post here. 

Уровни подписки

Just a subscription

$ 2,28 в месяц
Thanks for your support! I will publish the posts with the creativity just for my subscribers. You will also have access to private comments, where you can chat with me and with each other.