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For new endgame content.

(Video) Challenge: "300"

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Subscription levels

Dark Disciple

$ 5,7 per month
Support the development of the mod and get:
1. Dark Disciple Role in Discord.
2. Access to all news and dev. screenshots.
3. Priority Requests.
+ chat

Dark Wanderer

$ 11,3 per month
It is the best way to express your gratitude and show support.
1. Dark Wanderer Role in Discord.
2. Plus all previous rewards.

+ chat

Doom Knight

$ 28,2 per month
Support the development of the mod and get:
1. Doom Knight Role in Discord.
2. You can ask me questions.
3. Plus all previous rewards.
+ chat


$ 57 per month
You just show better support and get:
1. Devilkin Role in Discord.
2. Your name added to in-game credits if you wish so. (Send me a message on Discord)
3. Plus all previous rewards.
+ chat
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