Alex Noir
Alex Noir
3 subscribers
1 of 100 paid subscribers
When I get this many subscribers, I can devote more of my time to crafting awesome assets, games, experiences and tools!
131.36 of $ 156 money raised
Support what I do 💖
418.63 of $ 518 money raised
My current pc lags any time I open gimp. With this much I can upgrade my PC and buy any peripherals I need to aid me in creating!

My pixel art

Here's some pixel art I've been drawing over time, with some of my most recent examples!
Chibi girl, drew this one for fun in doctpict on my phone:
My avatar I've been using for a while! Based on a goldsrc smiley sun spray, I redrew it in my own style.
And the following art is previews I've made for my 1bit Pack sprites, as well as a sprite sheet preview! https://alex-noir.itch.io/1-bit-by-cw
You can download the demo sprites over the link, or purchase the full pack on itch.io or the following paid blog post!

Subscription levels


$ 2,59 per month
Thanks for your support! 💖


$ 5,2 per month
🌿Gives you access to my private posts, such as content releases like asset packs!

Big Supporter

$ 10,4 per month
No additional perks yet, but that might change in the future! I appreciate your generosity💖

Huge Supporter

$ 52 per month
You're Awesome! 😎 Thanks🤗

Massive Supporter

$ 156 per month
🤩You're amazing! Thank you so much🎊
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