Alex Noir
Alex Noir
3 subscribers
1 of 100 paid subscribers
When I get this many subscribers, I can devote more of my time to crafting awesome assets, games, experiences and tools!
131.36 of $ 156 money raised
Support what I do 💖
418.63 of $ 518 money raised
My current pc lags any time I open gimp. With this much I can upgrade my PC and buy any peripherals I need to aid me in creating!

Testing out a visual novel interface!

she zoom

Subscription levels


$ 2,59 per month
Thanks for your support! 💖


$ 5,2 per month
🌿Gives you access to my private posts, such as content releases like asset packs!

Big Supporter

$ 10,4 per month
No additional perks yet, but that might change in the future! I appreciate your generosity💖

Huge Supporter

$ 52 per month
You're Awesome! 😎 Thanks🤗

Massive Supporter

$ 156 per month
🤩You're amazing! Thank you so much🎊
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