обложка автора CRFactory


Helmets and masks from movies and games!
3 231.66 из $ 11 264 собрано
This amount is needed to repair the workshop and hire employees for faster and more efficient work! :)
0 из $ 2 816 собрано
Raising funds for new equipment! We urgently need a new computer and a 3D printer.
0 из $ 5 632 собрано
To create new products, materials are needed - plastic, silicone, paints, etc. Please support us so that we can make even more new helmets and masks!

Об авторе

CRFactory - Who we are? 

Since 2013, we have been making a wide variety of cosplay items.
We are specialized in helmets and masks.
Every year we improve our manufacturing technologies so that the final product looks as perfect as possible.  

Our website -

Уровни подписки

for cookies :)

$ 1,13 в месяц
This level is for those who just want to thank us for our work!