33 subscribers
702.81 of $ 5 021 money raised
i will be like buying food and living and stuff maybe some warhammer bits
2 542.45 of $ 2 511 money raised
I wanna survive
3 185.13 of $ 3 138 money raised
Money for food n' stuff
3 843.3 of $ 3 766 money raised
Rent and bloody utilities

Guide for foreign viewers on payments

Guide is not mine but still very useful.
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Subscription levels


$ 2,52 per month
You can suppport my horrible art with your money every month!
Isn't that cool??!!

Devoted ~6 usd chum

$ 5,1 per month
Look how happy you made Azula

10 usd Patron of Art

$ 7,6 per month
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