Constellar Scanlation
Constellar Scanlation
2 subscribers
0 of $ 108 money raised
Help us pay for the website server costs and team members, as well as purchase korean/japanese chapters for translation.

Let's Hang Out from Today Chapter 42-43

Level required:
The Transcended

Subscription levels

The Transcended

$ 4,4 per month
Get yourself The Transcended role in our discord server. From this tier upward, people will have access to novel translation.
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The Immortal

$ 6,5 per month
Get yourself The Immortal role in our discord server. This tier is for people who want to support us some more. From this tier forward, people will have access to downloadable chapters (image format).
+ chat

God of Degeneration

$ 8,7 per month
Get yourself God of Degeneration role in my discord server. With this tier you will be able to request us translation for japanese doujins that you want.
+ chat
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