creator cover Comprehensible Russian

Comprehensible Russian

Super easy to understand videos in Russian
Comprehensible Russian

About the creator

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What is Comprehensible Russian? 
I am Inna and I create easy to understand videos on various topics entirely in Russian brought down to the learners' level. I make my videos comprehensible with the help of drawings, pictures, gestures and realia. The videos help immerse in Russian language from scratch.
My method is based on Stephen Krashen's Natural Approach, ALG (Automatic Language Growth) and much inspired by the Refold Method. All of them emphasize the meaning of getting massive language input that is made comprehensible to the learner.
I want you, Russian learners, to acquire Russian language with ease and fun, discovering new amazing things about Russian culture, society, art, movies, music, history and life.
Thanks a lot to all my active, former and future patrons!
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