26 подписчиков
11 из 50 платных подписчиков
Творчеству и бусти будет уделяться больше времени, ведь теперь я буду знать, что это кому-то надо!
19.86 из $ 57 собрано
Примерно столько освободит меня на время от очередного заказа в пользу завершения старых, создания контента для бусти и рисования Старлайтов для души!

April update [ENG]

Hi kitties! I want to thank you for your support, as always. It really means a lot to me, maybe even more than before. I’m not good with words when it comes to expressing gratitude, so I probably should just shut up and update my Boosty already *wink*  I took extra commissions to cover medical expenses because of my health issues (which feels like mental issues), which means that upcoming Boosty content is mostly about commissions. I always felt like I should solve every task separately, and it was definitely self-destructive. Technical moments of drawing means almost nothing when you can’t control yourself. Drawing issues have almost nothing common with drawing. Trying to keep calm, observe and not rush is the best thing I can do now. Solving some moments about a certain commission helps me to solve other moments for other commissions, both old ones and new ones, to my surprise. And I like it. 
It's a harsh period, and the feeling of being isolated (especially online) can make everything even more unbearable. Perhaps, I was the one who isolated myself and wasn’t able to break it. Now I've realized HOW MUCH the ability just to talk with old friends means to me. The power of common communication is underestimated. I still think that the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars season’s moral is “don’t fucking try to be a hero and bear everything alone, ask for help”. 
Virtual hugs have been sent!
Some watercolour and ballpoint pen doodles from 2021. Done on an "egg shell" textured paper I hated all my life. Now I can bear with it, to my surprise.

Уровни подписки

Поддержать / To support

$ 0,57 в месяц
Access to my sketches :)
Откроется доступ к моим наброскам ;)

Подсмотреть / To take a sneak peek

$ 1,14 в месяц
Early access to my sketches (one month earlier); an access to my notes, WIPs and other backstage content of the drawings I’m working on ATM )
Ранний доступ к моим скетчам (Вы увидите их на месяц раньше); доступ к моим заметкам, випам и прочему бэкстейджу по текущим работам, над которыми я корпю )

Увидеть / To see

$ 1,7 в месяц
Early access to my sketches and backstage content (one month earlier);
You’ll get an access to my posts where I’m sharing my experience and observations about drawing in general, art materials and drawing process in particular
Ранний доступ к скетчам и бэкстейджу (на месяц раньше).
Вам также будут доступны посты, где я делюсь опытом, наблюдениями и размышлениями на рисовальную тему, а так же рассказываю про материалы и творческий процесс

Обратиться / To ask

$ 2,27 в месяц
Early access to the previous rewards, plus an opportunity to ask some questions, ask for critique or to make suggestions about the themes for the future posts
Ранний доступ ко всему предыдущему, а также возможность задать вопрос, попросить критики или предложить тему для новых постов )


$ 3,4 в месяц
All the previous rewards plus an access to the posts about the drawing process of certain finished works including WIPs, step-by-steps, materials AND my explanations
Всё предыдущее + доступ к постам с поэтапками готовых работ, описанием использованных материалов и заметками к конкретной работе.