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Candra Gloomblade
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На апгрейд компа, чтобы не зависал, не тормозил и не мешал рисовать. For a fast computer for fast drawing)
Dec 20 19:53
Sketchbook - Sleeping Queen
Little doodle.
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Level 5
$ 18,7 per month
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+ Once in every two months - b/w headshot sketch of a character of your choice
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Level 7
$ 58 per month
1-5 levels Rewards.
+Monthly full-color half-body sketch of a character of your choice.
+Once in every two months -additional b/whalf-bodysketch of character of your choice.
+ My billion thanks!
Level 8
$ 84 per month
1-5 levels Rewards.
+Once in every two months - additional b/w half-body sketch of character of your choice
+Once in two month shipment of paper originals of reward sketches in envelope with exclusive art on cover
+ My incredible thanks!
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