33 subscribers

Beta Release, Editor Preview

6th post here with nothing new but the beta version itself available to play for supporters and other selected players which we believe can add great value to the in development game through their feedback/ play-testing / bugs-reporting. The beta version is accessible through following link 
What to expect from Beta Version?
Beta version is not a new brofist.io since it’s a and will be a natural extension to the existing version since we never wanted to alter the original game feelings, although a lot of new features will be added on the way but at the very early stages of beta version it may feel similar to what has already been done in the current version of the game but as we advance the game will evolve into a better version by introducing new exciting features like advance map/skin editor, better mobile support, much bigger maps, new avatar creator, private rooms, lots of fun game modes and more.
As of writing this post the current beta version is the 1st release and only introduces the basic functionalities of the editor which has already been shared in previous posts, the basic keys controls are
Ctrl+x = Group
Alt+x = UnGroup
Ctrl+d = Delete
Purpose of Sharing Beta Version?
The whole purpose of sharing the beta version is to get early feedbacks only and not to impress, as we keep getting feedbacks the game will keep evolving.
How To Get Access To Beta Version?
There are 3 ways of getting the access to beta version
Most easiest & quickest way is to support the game on boosty/patreon by subscribing to any tier, you’ll be granted access instantly
If you are active in the community & has decent track record (maps/skins/feedbacks) with no any negative history then chances are you’ll be granted beta access, if you are missed the you can post in #beta-request for request of beta
If you have any management role (moderator, map crew) in discord you’ll already have access
Where to post Feedback/Bugs reporting for Beta Version?
You can post your valuable feedbacks in #beta discord channel which you might already have access if you have beta role in discord
почему за донат?
Don`t work :(

Subscription levels

Lil Bro

$ 0,97 per month
+ “Lil Bro” Badge appears on your profile & while playing the game
+ You’ll be granted “Lil Bro” role on official brofist.io discord server 
+ Get listed on supporter page, http://brofist.io/supporters/index.html
Early access to exclusive posts here before it’s goes public

Big Bro

$ 2,9 per month
+ “Big Bro” Badge appears on your profile & while playing the game
+ You’ll be granted “Big Bro” role on official brofist.io discord server 
+ Get listed on supporter page, http://brofist.io/supporters/index.html
+ Early access to exclusive posts here before it’s goes public
+ Access to work in progress channel on Discord

Mega Bro

$ 4,9 per month
+ “Mega Bro” Badge appears on your profile & while playing the game
+ You’ll be granted “Mega Bro” role on official brofist.io discord server 
+ Get listed on supporter page, http://brofist.io/supporters/index.html
Early access to exclusive posts here before it’s goes public
+ Access to work in progress channel on Discord
+ A personal email of gratitude from me

Ultra Bro

$ 9,7 per month
+ “Ultra Bro” Badge appears on your profile & while playing the game
+ You’ll be granted “Ultra Bro” role on official brofist.io discord server 
+ Get listed on supporter page, http://brofist.io/supporters/index.html
+ Early access to exclusive posts here before it’s goes public
+ Access to work in progress channel on Discord
+ Chat colour change ability
+ A personal email of gratitude from me
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