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SW First Order Snowspeeder Instructions

The Light Infantry Utility Vehicle (LIUV), also known as the First Order snowspeeder (or snow speeder) was a wedge-shaped assault craft used in frigid climates.The snowspeeder was manned by one First Order snowtrooper, and could hold two others, one of which could take control of the forward-mounted FWMB-10 repeating blaster cannon. The gunner usually rode in the prow, scanning for targets. The mounting attachment gave the gunner a wide, lateral field of fire. The gun could also decompress or elevated to defend against aerial and ground threats. The blaster could be removed and placed in the prow. Because of the extreme conditions it was used in, the snowspeeder had to have heating coils built into the seats to support the crew. The snowspeeder also had mini-deflector shields to protect the crew from flying debris.
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