Developer, translator, moderator and just a friend
3 of 20 paid subscribers
Having 20 paid subscribers will make my work at least partially sustainable and allow me to contribute more to the projects I love ✨
0 of $ 10,2 money raised
I've been struggling with mental health alone. Help me fund my therapy to help me get professional support so needed right now 🫶
About the creator
👋 Hi, I am Brawaru. I am a developer, translator, moderator, gamer, and just a friend to some. I am helping maintain my friends' communities and trying to contribute my work to the world to make it a better place, one thing at a time.
With this page you can support me financially, as I do not currently charge for any of my work.
Here's a brief list of things I do:
🛑 I deal with mental health preventing me from fully enjoying life and things I do.
🚀 I am making VIntl, a JavaScript library that allows to translate your Vue apps.
If you like what I do, please consider supporting me. As I am currently unemployed, donations are the only thing that helps me move. They help me pay the internet bills, rent and buy the essentials like food and medicine for me and my animals at home.
My current goals
#1 🛋️ Therapy (3 sessions) — 11,500₽ raised out of 12,500₽ (92%).
#2 🚲 Repairing bike & new phone — not started.
#3 ⬆️ Hardware upgrade — not started.
Goals in the sidebar may be updated and reset to account for indirect contributions.
No benefits (legal disclaimer)
There are no benefits to subscribing here, but it is much appreciated. It's just a way to support me personally and I thank you for your consideration! ♥