Brotherhood Of Steel
Brotherhood Of Steel
13 subscribers
1 620.21 of $ 10 721 money raised
На содержание серверов

Skyland is already in a new update!

Subscription levels

Subscription for 30 days

$ 4,9 per month
Increase the attack of troops by 30%
Increase the protection of troops by 30%
Increase the health of troops by 25%
Increased attack damage 20%
Increased attack damage reduction by 20%
March of troops Increase by 250 000

Subscription for 30 days 2

$ 15,6 per month
Increase the attack of troops by 120%
Increase the protection of troops by 120%
Increase the health of troops by 100%
Increased attack damage 95%
Increased attack damage reduction by 80%
March of troops Increase by 1 000 000
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